
Young Scientist Summer School - 2011

Odessa State Environmental University with the assistance from the international organizations holds the Young Scientist Summer School on Integrated Modelling of Meteorological and Chemical Transport Processes / Impact of Chemical Weather on Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling. The school is to take place in the city of Odessa (Ukraine) on the premises of Odessa State Environmental University on 3 - 9 July 2011. The young scientists who have research experience in the fields of climate modelling, numerical weather prediction and pollutant transport modelling are invited.

School co-chairs: Prof. A.A. Baklanov (Danish Meteorological Institute) and Prof. S.M.Stepanenko (Odessa State Environmental University)

Registration Deadline: 31 March 2011

The working language of the summer school: English

Costs: no fee.


YSSS-2011 Partners:

15 Lvivska Str, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine. Phone: +38 048 785 2720
© Odessa State Environmental University, 2011